M T BOX DESIGNS is closing to new clients for the 2024 holiday marketing season … that starts NOW!  Yes, holiday marketing prep and planning starts NOW!

Why? …

Onboarding a new client takes time …

When we onboard a new client, we spend a lot of time getting to know their business, in addition to redesigning or building a new website.
We dedicate time and resources to building a marketing strategy.
We are a boutique marketing company, the 2024 Holiday Marketing season is approaching, we know we cannot dedicate that quality time to a new client.

Therefore, we do not take on new clients when the Holiday Season Planning starts.
That’s time is upon us!
We start the planning now, in August, and start executing those plans in September.

Thanks to all of our clients, we are excited to bring another year of successful business growth for the holidays!

Happy Holidays! 🎄

You can get in the list to LOCK IN 2024 PRICING FOR 2025!